Thursday, September 19, 2013

Building Rapport with Students

This week, I learned about ways to build rapport with students online.
Frankly, I never realized how important it is to add a personal touch to the online course, until I read this week's articles and watched the webnars.  I tend to shy away from sharing personal information on line, and I would have never imagined to shoot an introduction video by my pool with my pet on my lap.  So, looks like I need to change my expectations slightly.  I liked the Prezi made by Heather Farmakis.  This presentation made me want to start using Prezi as a teaching tool.

So, here's the summary of what I learned about building rapport with students.

  • Before the course begins, create and share a short presentation about your course and who you are
  • During the 1st week, create activities to get to know each student, such as introductory survey and pretest.  
    • I suppose this is similar to an index card I used to have my students fill out on the 1st day of class.  In face-to-face class, I have my students write their course expectations, what they already know about the subject, etc on an index card.  I used this information during my course to address any question they may have during specific topic or try to tailer my lecture to some of the students interest.  
  • Blogging is a good tool for building global collaboration, and show case students' work.  Students will perform better for authentic audience.  Blogging can be used for introductory activity or classroom projects.
  • 5 factors for building rapport
    1. Respect for each other and to the institution.
      • Perhaps at the beginning of the course, have an honor code/ code of conduct posted and clearly stated about what the expectations are on posting comments.
    2. Approachability.
      • Every students have their preferred method of communication and the instructor should be able to accommodate that.  
      • Be flexible.
      • Instructor should log into the class at least once a day and respond to the students request within 12 hours (24 hours at least!)
      • Hold an office hour at least once a week for a few hours.  This is where the instructor is logged on and able to respond to the questions.
      • These information should be clearly stated and informed to the students.
      • Weekly (3 times a week) email updates from TOMOOC course has been great.
      • Define parameters and let them know.  Students do not expect you to be available 24/7, unless you give them that impression.
    3. Open communication. Honesty.
      • Be true to your words
      • Again, be true to your stated expectation
    4. Caring
      • If faculty cares about students, students will do better in class.
      • Refer to students by their name in discussions.
      • Make personal connections with students, especially those with extenuating circumstances, missing classes etc.
      • Let the students know that you believe they are capable of doing the work and you are available for help. 
      • Send encouraging or job well done emails, or just include a note at the beginning or end of an email.
      • Give feedback, individually or as a group
      • Have listening ears to student feedback and let them know you welcome them
    5. Positive attitude
      • Give positive enforcement to students
      • Be open to student comments
      • Make the course friendly- use of animation, emoticons, humor etc.


  1. Hi Luria,
    Hes is a self paced guide on using Prezi we created. I hope you find some of it useful.

  2. Hi Luria, I understand how you feel about being "shy" online. I've learned to be more open and share, but within limits. I do feel it's important to model and do what you expect your students to do. I think you can ease your way into being more open and your students will do the same too. It will help in building rapport and a stronger community within your class. I hope you implement your list of factors to build rapport that you posted here, and that it works out for you. :-)
